Felsenthal Bream Festival

Kayak Race

Felsenthal Bream Festival Paddle Race Rules

Registration Fee: $10


1) Failure to follow any of the rules and regulations may result in disqualification from the race.

2) All entrants will be notified if any change to the rules and regulations are necessary prior to the race.

3) Starting time could be delayed due to weather or other uncontrollable factors. Race may be cancelled at any time due to severe weather, up to and during the race, but an attempt will be made to reschedule.

4) Coast Guard, Wildlife and Fisheries, Law Enforcement, and race officials have the authority to disqualify participants for violation of boating laws or race rules.


5) All Participants must sign a Medical and Emergency Contact sheet and a Waiver of Claims and Release of Liability form. A parent or legal guardian shall be present to sign a waiver of liability for all minors 17 and younger. All ages are calculated as of day of race.


6) Under no circumstances shall any illegal drug be taken during the race period. Teams are not allowed to drink or have alcohol in the boat during the race. No paddler is permitted to be under the influence of alcohol on the water.

7) Coast Guard Approved personal flotation device must be worn at all times. Failure will end in disqualification.

8) Each paddler shall have one audible signaling device (pealess type whistle or airhorn).


9) Only human muscle powered boats will be permitted to race. Rowing gear, motors, or engines of any kind are prohibited.

10) Race Classes may be adjusted/added based on number and kind of entrees. The Felsenthal Bream Festival Committee will attempt to keep classes as fair as possible. Racers are responsible for properly classing their vessel to the best of their ability prior to registration or to inquire for help with proper classing.

11) No intentional littering of the river, the bayou, the banks, or the boat ramps will be allowed.

12) The official race map is the map provided at registration check-in.


13) All Participants should be able to paddle 1 mile(s) of open water. Weather and/or water conditions are not predictable. Parents should be certain young paddlers are capable of safely completing the course. All Paddlers should be prepared for any conditions that may arise. 14) Mass Start for all paddling classes. No one will be allowed to start after the race is underway. If you leave the river for reason other than equipment malfunction or personal health, you are on your own! Motorized safety boats will patrol the course for your assistance. 15) Boats may stop to take a break on high ground, but boats may not be advanced by outside help or while the paddler is not in the boat.

Registration is over.